Friday, October 11, 2019

The absurd American healthcare system

On August 29, 2019, I visited my family doctor at the Park City Health Clinic, for my annual check up. Since I am a Medicare patient, I expected that preventive care visit to be at no cost to me.

Upon my return from vacation, I discovered bill for just $5.84 for settling the service, which appeared to be the excess amount my coverage refused to pay. Granted, this amount is peanuts, but that still pushed me to call the medical office to get some explanation, just for the principle.
When I did, I was told that this was the result of the network doctor asking me certain questions that were billed to Medicare and tipped the allowable amount above what Medicare was willing to pay.

This practice does sound like a patently idiotic excuse. I immediately asked the service provider to shed a light on this weird practice and explain how it justifies it, in ways a normal human being would understand it, that is based on good common sense.

I can’t wait to read their answer!

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