Saturday, October 26, 2019

Three generations…

The Tour of St. George is a road bike race available in a variety of lengths.

First there’s the 35 mile version (56 km), then a stretched 50 mile (80 km) and finally for the fearless, there’s a full100 mile (161 km). We decided to align the 3 generations that our family counts in the 35 mile course, by including Finn (11 years old), his Dad (40), and the Grandpa (yeah, that’s me at a mature 71).

Even though St. George is located in the far southern corner of Utah, it was freezing, this morning, at the 8 am start time, just a measly 43 degree F (6 degree Celsius), but we managed to overcome that grueling hurdle and worked together as a strong and efficient team.
What's remarkable is that Finn finished 1st in his age group (up to 14) and that we all made it, together, to the finish line. What's next? Fifty miles in 2020?

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