Sunday, October 6, 2019

Lesson in courage

My brother has a terrible case of COPD.

Terrible, because he’s been under supplementary oxygen for the last 11 years, constantly under the spell of the degenerative progression of the disease to the point that he’s got no more energy left and that some of his vital functions like his eyesight is beginning to fail.

Now, he can hardly stand up, but still refuses to be moved around in a wheelchair.

He’s the one who, in spite of his terrible ailment, insisted that 16 members of his family joined him for lunch at a local restaurant in Morzine, France, in spite of his quasi-inability to move around and the huge efforts this demands and all the pain it creates for him, always hounded by the fear of the oxygen level in his portable bottles.

His determination, his appreciation for life and love for his 7 year old grand-daughter are what literally keep him going in spite of incredible odds to the contrary.

He stands as an inspiration to all of us when we all have trivial frustrations about material things that aren’t really worth getting all excited about.

He’s my hero and I love him.

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