Monday, October 14, 2019

The (better) way to fight climate change

While we were in Europe, “climate change”, not Trump, was the daily topic of choice.
I have written a lot about the subject, but it’s still worth repeating that CO2 emissions aren’t the problem.

The problem is that there are far too many of us on a planet that has become too tight for accommodating such a massive human presence and its unlimited thirst for expansion and domination. Right, overpopulation, not CO2 emissions, is the REAL problem, or if you prefer it, the Elephant in the Room.

Do I suggest that we annihilate two-third of humanity in one scoop?

Not at all. I recommend that instead, we take some strong, widespread and global measures to limit and control births, so we can begin to slow down planetary population increase before we can successfully reduce it and when that’s done, begin to significantly shrink the entire world population.

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