Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Getting regular “upgrades”?

If you have one computer, tablet or smartphone, you'll be asked every now and then to perform a system “upgrade” that you may delay for some time, but will eventually authorize. 

It’s mean to keep your device up and running well, without bugs problems or even annoying viruses or shortcomings, just like you may take your car for oil change and other type of service.

So, we need to maintain ourselves for sure to fight time-related decrepitude and, why not, seek every upgrade we can get our hands on. This obviously is why I prefer the concept of “upgrade” over regular “maintenance” or “updates”. 

It’s more comprehensive, it’s also more fun as it brings a touch of surprise in the improvements it delivers instead of just attempting to keep up with wear and tear. So the word of the day is “constantly upgrade your lives” and you’ll grow to love it!

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