Saturday, June 3, 2023

Trying to be more adventurous or progressive

This blog is a follow-up to yesterday’s. Obviously we’re are all variably ambivalent about whether we are leaning conservative or progressive. 

According to each individual, both traits comes in different doses. Some of us are more daring, other are less. This is based on our genetics, the way we were raised, our life experiences, our degree of assertiveness and if we are introvert or extrovert. 

More generally, we tend to be less adventurous as we grow older, also if we had bad experience or trauma in straying from the proven and familiar path or throwing all care away and jumping into the unknown. Like with all decisions, adventure requires both practice and frequency. 

I could say that in order to be more progressive, we must be more curious and if we aren’t, we should develop that trait as well. Then of course, we need to move with baby steps at first, and leave the daring feats for the days we’ve turned into an Indiana Jones of sorts. 

At any rate, and no matter how deep or far we want to venture into experimenting new ventures, we are likely to learn a lot, experience some nice surprises and discover that change is not totally bad!

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