Sunday, November 19, 2023

Can pets accompany their masters after death?

Last, but not least, many folks believe resurrection isn’t worth the effort if they’re not in the company of their pets, so another question is whether domestic animals can be resurrected with their owners or can wait for them in Heaven or Hell? 

In several animistic and totemic cultures, animals are considered spiritual beings with distinct personalities and talents. These cultures often believe that animals can communicate with humans and play a large role in their lives. In some cases, they can even hold beliefs about animal resurrection or reincarnation, so let’s explore this a bit further. 

For instance, in some Inuit traditions, a hunter's spirit is believed to accompany their game, such as bear or seal, into the afterlife. Similarly, in some Native American cultures, animal totems are seen as embodiments of spiritual guides or protectors, and there may be beliefs about the spirit of the totem animal being reborn in another animal or even a human. On the other side of the Pacific, in Hinduism and Jainism, the concept of reincarnation, or samsara, is central to the populations’ belief systems. 

According to these traditions, all living beings, including animals, undergo a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, determined by their Karma, the law of cause and effect. In Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita states that those who have done good deeds may be reborn as deities, humans, or animals, while those who have committed wrongdoings may be reborn as plants, insects, or even inanimate objects. 

Jainism, on the other hand, emphasizes non-violence and compassion towards all living beings, including animals. Jains believe that the soul, or jiva, can be reborn into humans, animals, insects, and plants, and that liberation from the cycle of reincarnation is done through spiritual purification and acceptance of ethical principles. 

Buddhism that does not talk about animal reincarnation, also sees the interconnectedness of all living beings as it relates to Karma. So, according to Buddhist teachings, the cycle of rebirth applies to all sentient beings, including humans and animals. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, different realms of existence are mentioned, including those inhabited by animals. It suggests that the type of rebirth is determined by a being's Karma and their mental state at the time of death. 

That leaves us with New Age spiritual movements, where it’s believed that animal souls can reincarnate or communicate with humans. These beliefs often emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of compassion and respect for all life forms. 

So, pet owners who aren't Christians, rejoice! While the concept of animal resurrection or reincarnation may not be explicitly defined in all religions or spiritual traditions, the belief that all living beings are related and the spiritual power transcends physical limitations is common across many spiritual practices, so don’t be surprised if Fido or Felix will be there waiting for you at the Pearly Gates or any afterlife entrance you deserve!

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