Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Does Israel need an extra $15 billion?

Not if I could help it as a taxpayer. Israel, the de-facto occupier of Palestine has brought the October 7 attack upon itself by humiliating and parking the Palestinian people into submission. Now that Israeli lives are worth 10 times those of Palestinians by the latest casualty numbers, why should US taxpayers almost fork up an extra $15 billion in addition to the $3 billion it already gives to the Jewish state? 

Apparently, this enormous amount of money is to support military capabilities, particularly its air and missile defense systems, including the Iron Dome, that counter-rocket and counter-artillery system that has been instrumental in protecting Israel from rocket attacks from Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza. 

Obviously, this comes in addition to the US long history of providing military aid to Israel. and is a way to reaffirm the US commitment to Israel's security. In the past, the US has also provided Israel with economic aid, but aid would specifically be for military assistance. This huge sum is still under consideration by Congress, and it is unclear whether it will be approved. I simply hope it’s not.

From what I know, here is a breakdown of how the $14.5 billion in additional assistance is expected to be used in parts: 

  • $4 billion for procurement of Israel's Iron Dome and David's Sling defense systems 
  • $1 billion for co-production of the Arrow 3 missile defense system 
  • $3 billion for training and exercises 
  • $3 billion for intelligence cooperation 
  • $3 billion for other military assistance 

As you can see, these monies are not to educate, heal or build anyone or anything, but just to kill, maim and destroy. Can it ever build peace with the Palestinians? You’ve got to be kidding me! In view of these numbers for lethal and destructive equipment, 

I’m still wondering who will pay for rebuilding Gaza? The stupid US or Western donors or the Jewish State?

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