Thursday, November 2, 2023

Halloween’s unexpected rebound

In recent years and mostly because of the pandemic, our visitation by treat-or-trickers had been dismal and even got down, and after we’d moved into a new home, failed to rise to the level it enjoyed until 2013 (see table). 

So it’s with a huge surprise that two nights ago, we witnessed a huge rebound in the numbers of kids coming to our home on Halloween night. In fact, we broke the record for our new home with an increase over 140%! 

We were elated and attributed that success to factors that had absolutely nothing to do with my marketing genius of yesteryear. First, it takes time for a new venue (our home was completed in 2014) as it does for a fledgling restaurant or place of business to get traction and attract a steady flow of accustomed visitors. 

Then, with so many newcomers to Park City, there are more kids and the town is getting a healthy second-wind with a fresh new generation of kids. All great news in a very sad world that doesn’t seem to know how to make us smile anymore...

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