Saturday, November 11, 2023

What is degrowth?

We don’t hear the word “degrowth” much in America. More so in Europe, though these days, but what does it mean? Degrowth is a planned reduction of energy and resource use designed to bring the economy back into balance with the living world, in ways that reduce inequality and improve human well-being. 

Not really a pro-capitalism movement as we know it, but it was the theme of a debate organized by Le Figaro, a French newspaper, and moderated by Eugénie Bastié, a French journalist, between Bernard Piccard, a Swiss psychiatrist, explorer et environmentalist and Jean-Marc Jancovici, French engineer and college professor. 

Both were debating whether our thermo-industrial civilization was doomed to disappear, and in an effort to save the planet, should we sacrifice our freedoms? They also attempted to answer if democracy was an obstacle to the fight against climate change. 

I must say that I’ve seen several conferences or presentations by Jancovici. He makes some great points about the environment, but they generally are ominous, instill fear and are not really “warm and fuzzy”. In other words he knows what he’s talking about but has a tendency of showing the glass more half-empty than half-full. 

Piccard on the other end is the consummate Swiss guy who exudes positiveness and definitely can only see a half-full glass. He leaves no stone unturned, makes lemonade out of lemon and has a much upbeat and hopeful message. Both of these individuals have their place in a debate, but Piccard is by far a more pleasant and optimistic story-teller. 

Now watch that 52 minute video (sorry it’s only in French) and be the judge! 

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