Friday, November 3, 2023

How Trump leveraged fear of change

Change already hard on many, has intensified in recent years and will keep on accelerating as time goes on, making it increasingly unbearable for a larger number of individuals that can no longer absorb and accept new ideas or concepts. 

These folks balk at moving forward, feel anxious, even fearful about change and progress and appear only receptive to going backward to the "good old day" or at the very least to stand still and refuse to advance. Furthermore, research suggests that individuals with a greater fear of change are more likely to hold conservative beliefs and exhibit conservative behavior. 

This connection can be explained through the psychological concept of "openness to experience," one of the “Big Five” personality traits. People who score low on openness to experience tend to be more resistant to change and new experiences, and therefore, may be attracted towards conservative ideologies that emphasize tradition, stability, and resistance to change. 

This deep aversion to change is found in people's reluctance to adopt electric cars and adapt to their idiosyncrasies, difficulties in accepting societal change, gender identity issues, immigration, different set of religious beliefs or absence thereof, varying ideologies, artificial intelligence and globalization among many others. 

Overwhelmed by a fast changing environment and eager to remove complexity from their lives, people who feel pressured by too much change of that nature fall prey to messages aimed at “simplifying” their lives and returning to the past, an entity they’re familiar with and feel much more comfortable about. 

This is an opportunity that Trump and his advisors have long recognized and are exploiting it with a large modicum of success. 

For his supporters and any group of people who find resonance in what Trump says, “Fear of Change” can best be counteracted with a total rejection of any kind of forward evolution and by taking refuge into the values and lifestyles of the past that are promised by MAGA politicians.

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