Thursday, June 6, 2024

Disagreeing agreeably?

Someone we know in France with whom we occasionally communicate emailed me one of these typical propaganda videos in French, just a few days ago, featuring a Frenchman criticizing NATO, the United States and the world community for harassing the Russian nation and Putin, its leader. 

I researched who that man was and found out that it was a former member of the French military as well as a businessman trading with Russia, but better known as a Kremlin propagandist spreading disinformation about the Russo-Ukrainian conflict and standing as a staunch supporter of Putin. 

I then answered my friend’s message like so: “Thank you for sharing this video. I hope your entire family is doing well. In these times, I always check the sources of information that happens to reach me. In case you don't know this, the author of the piece you sent me is…” I went on to say that his ideas weren’t my cup of tea. Unrelenting, she then responded to me that NATO and America were “shit” and putting the world in harm’s way.

At that point I could have responded “We each have our opinions, and perhaps, let’s both agree to disagree and life will go on smoothly for the both of us.” I chose instead to put a stop to an exchange that I deemed totally unproductive and a waste of my precious time. Would you have done the same or if not, how would you have handled the whole thing?

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