Friday, June 7, 2024

The power of regularity…

Just like a river can wreak havoc on its banks by relentless assaults, the benefits that regularity can earn us have a powerful impact on most aspects of our lives. I was reminded of this when I saw a health show on Swiss TV, explaining the important of regular physical exercise and asserting that if 30 minutes of daily activity is highly desirable, it’s got to be EVERY DAY, that’s right, 30 minute daily, not 1 hour et 45 minutes on Saturday and on Sunday! 

It’s true that big bursts of effort can be impressive, but consistent, regular action leads to more sustainable progress. Whether it's exercise, studying a language, or working on a creative project, small, regular steps add up over time, just like compounded interests build fortunes. Regularity is also the bedrock of habit formation. By repeating an action consistently, we’ll train our brain to automate it and make it easier to stick in the long-term.

Same story with learning or improving skills. The more consistently we can engage in an activity, the more we’ll refine our technique and the deeper our understanding will become. Then there’s the momentum that’s gained from regularity. Sticking to a routine can be motivating in itself, as we see the progress we make and feel a sense of accomplishment. 

This can create a virtuous cycle in our desire to keep going. Obviously, regularity requires discipline. Sticking to a routine, even when we don't feel like it, builds self-control and willpower, which are valuable assets in all areas of life. So, while sudden and intense bursts of activity are okay, it's the steady drumbeat of regularity that truly drives long-term success and achievement.

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