Sunday, June 9, 2024

Never too late !

Today is a beautiful one in Park City, I feel great as I wake up and ready to take on the world! What could I sink my teeth into this day? Unlike what we too often believe, our quest for perfection is not a deed limited in time and I’m convinced that it’s never too late to undertake anything that can lift us or lift others up. 

I can think of a project I began just over four years ago and, to my surprise, has now come to fruition, and that’s been exceeding my expectations. Achievements like this one encourage me to get even more involved in starting something new. For one thing, our brains are capable of incredible growth and adaptation throughout our lives. 

By not delaying and starting something new, we can keep our minds on a roll, sharp and keep on growing at a personal level. It’s also never too late to revisit dreams and desires that we’ve pushed aside over time, for various reasons.

By taking that leap as we now have more experience under our belts and more tools to reach these goals, we can now discover or unlock a hidden talent or a passion we had never even thought we had. There’s also the intriguing appeal of new experiences that will enrich our lives. 

If it's for a new hobby, an extra skill, or even a career change, starting something new opens doors to a world of possibility. Finally, never forget that time is relative; the same amount of time will flow away anyway, if we start something new or not. 

Whether we’re 19 or 91, wouldn't it be better not to let that precious time go to waste and spend it growing and learning?

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