Friday, June 14, 2024

Macron’s knee-jerk reaction

Last Sunday, we listened to the European election results on the French radio and were kind of shocked when we heard Emmanuel Macron dissolve the National Assembly right here and then. I thought this macho guy wanted to show who was in charge in the country, as a last marking point of his presidency.

Perhaps he was pissed of at seeing his centrist party crushed by Le Pen’s extreme right and decided to cut his nose despite his face or something of the sort. He realized then and there that he had failed at communicating and that showed his lack of political experience (he’s only been elected president in his entire public office career) and his inability at “reading” people. 

All this in spite of doing a pretty good job. He could have waited a few day, or better yet a few weeks, in order not to risk the upcoming Olympics and seeing a new government going to mess them up, but that’s just me thinking. 

With more time on his side, he might also have engineered a network of alliances, in which he stood a chance to win some instead of being badly crushed, with still the option of doing nothing at all. In the end, he might have bet that the “Rassemblement National” would mess up and prove to be woefully unable to govern and could, again, dissolve the Assembly, one year from now. 

But this is pure conjecture, who really knows, and does he even know? At any rate, he’s created a big splash and not of the best kind...

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