Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Getting the most out of my allotted time!

I don’t know about you, but I have the utmost respect for my time, at least for whatever time I have left on this plane, and I do everything I possibly can to put it to good use. At least, that’s my intention as well as my desire! 

Time in fact, all things being equal, is all we’ve got equally in life whether we’re rich or poor, and the more time moves on, the more we realize how little of that precious commodity remains available to us. 

While I’m not a fan of multitasking, I will do it whenever the task will allow it to maximize my time and get two things done instead of just one. This said, whatever I do, in that limited time of mine has to be focused on quality and fulfillment.

There’s the importance of doing what reality counts the most, in other words, my priorities. The activities or endeavors that bring me joy and a sense of purpose are the ones that truly matter and guide me for allocating my time. 

For instance, physical activity takes a huge portion of my free time, like walking, hiking and skiing in winter. I consider it crucial for both my physical and mental health as it gives me the energy and the appetite I need for the rest of the things I enjoy, like writing, reading, gardening, traveling and doing things around the house. 

I also get a healthy diet and a beneficial dose of sleep, both essential for my physical and cognitive health. Finally, I’m never afraid to say NO and politely decline commitments that don't align with my priorities. It frees up time and energy for what truly matters to me. 

And since time is so precious to me, that will be all for today!

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