Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Seeking a long life?

Some wonder if good and regular meditation as well as mindfulness practice help in their longevity and while there’s no certainty about it, research suggests that regular meditation and mindfulness practices may contribute to longevity in several ways. 

That sounds like a good deal, if we also manage to stay healthy as we age. For one thing, chronic stress can be reduced by meditation and mindfulness as they promote relaxation, potentially leading to better overall health and potentially a longer life. Stress can also weaken the immune system and meditation may indirectly help the immune system function more effectively, thus aiding in fighting off illness. 

Then, meditation is said to improve Telomere length; telomeres are the caps on chromosomes that shorten with cell division. Some studies suggest that meditation may be associated with slower telomere shortening, potentially indicating a slower aging process at the cellular level. 

It's also recognized that folks who practice meditation regularly may be more likely to embrace healthy habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet, that are contributors to longevity. Finally, meditation may help reduce inflammation in the body, potentially contributing to better health outcomes and potentially, further add to one’s lifespan. 

All these good things seem to suggest that meditation and mindfulness bring a combination of factors that contribute to longevity. This said, don’t forget to visit your doctor once in a while!

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