Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Navigating a tsunami of news

I’ve already complained about the huge quantity of bad or “fake” news that are hitting us on a daily basis, adding up to the huge variety and abundance of all kinds of news, false or real, small or big, trivial or hugely important. 

How do we sort out all of this? This constant flow of information can be overwhelming and it’s key to have some strategies in place in order to navigate this "tsunami of news". For me, rule number one, of course, is to make it a habit to identify reliable sources of news and to stay away from social media and “news aggregators”. 

Instead, I try to stick to well-established news outlets with a reputation for fact-checking and unbiased reporting. I always look for outlets that cite their sources and I avoid those known for spreading misinformation. Of course, every source has some bias and it’s essential to know what it is, in order to get a more accurate picture of a story.

As far as news feeds or “news aggregators” are concerned, I only follow journalists and news organizations that can be trusted on social media or subscribe to their newsletters. If I cannot avoid it, I’m always on alert with social media as it’s often a breeding ground for rumors and sensationalized headlines. 

In addition, I don't just skim headlines as they’re often misleading. I read past them to understand the full story and context. Even more work consists in prioritizing in-depth articles that provide analysis and background information. 

Finally, I try to take breaks in consuming news, never jump when a phone alert grabs my attention, set aside specific times to check the news, avoid a constant stream throughout the day and I never forget to make room for activities that help relax and de-stress like working in the garden, editing a video or changing oil on the snow-blower!

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