Wednesday, June 26, 2024

“No soliciting”

It’s noon, we’re having lunch. The bell rings, I leave the table to see who it is. I open the door and see two boys around 15 to 17 years old, brandishing a tiny sticker. I ask: “Can I help you?” 

They answer: “We need money for a trip this summer and we’re selling these ‘No Soliciting’ signs that you can stick on your front door for just $10 a piece”. I look at the sign, and say: “I’ve no use for that sign, because in fact, I’m not opposed to soliciting; if I were, I wouldn’t have opened my door to you in the first place!” 

The two kids don’t seem to get it, so I continue, “You can only sell these stickers to people who don’t like solicitors like you, and I realize the quandary this puts you in, because these folks probably won’t open their door in the first place. If I were you, I'd try online or by mailing postcards…” 

They leave, I feel bad for both of them, as they assumed there were enough stupid people to buy into their scheme, but only those who opened their doors to them, were de facto disqualified to buy it. Ouch! Making money door to door isn’t that easy!

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