Saturday, June 29, 2024

 Assuming Trump and Biden had both a valid pilot license and your spouse and yourself needed a 45 minute plane ride urgently to get to the hospital to treat a burst appendix, both of you valuing their lives, which pilot would you choose?

After what I saw two nights ago, the response is pretty obvious, I’d pick Trump, even though I hate the guy. I believe that Joe Biden’s performance as a candidate is not going to improve between now and November 5, 2024, quite the contrary. 

 He had a chance on October 27 to show the Country that he was fit to be our president for another 4 years and he clearly failed the test. So what are we to do? Convince him to stop his campaign as soon as possible, of course, but the man seems stubborn, set in his ways and I can only think of two initiatives. 

First having as many people flooding the White House’s website section titled “Share Your Thoughts with the President”, just type “other” on the first line and fill the rest of the questionnaire before you can say “Please stop your 2024 Campaign immediately, Mr. President, your legacy is well worth that sacrifice” or something like it. 

Another way is to suggest or convince several (not just one) major Opinion Polls to ask the US electorate how they would vote, first in a three person contest (Biden/Kennedy/Trump) and then in two extra configurations in which Biden would be replaced by say, Newsom and Whitman. The result might tell us a huge lot and could apply some real pressure to bear on Biden.

Short of that, welcome to the Trump dictatorship!

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