Sunday, June 14, 2009

The poison of religion

If the recent Iranian election outcome is any indication that theocracy is bad, we should remember that it finds its roots in religion. So whether people live in theocracies like Iran, Israel, Utah, or somewhere else in the world where the perverse effects of religion aren't as visible, they should be remembered that the ingredient that poisons every mind around us is good old religion. It kills more people than any other ailment known to man and remains the most corrupt excuse for doing anything that goes against the interest of humanity or the planet it lives on.

That's right, religion is a mental poison that is still affecting billions of people just like pollution and CO2 are poisoning mother earth. Will it change? Yes, through tons of justice and education and this is why it's likely to take a very long time for the human race to totally shed its shackles of organized religion, something invented when our ancestors still lived in caves and had very good reasons to be scared of everything. Today, it's time for each human being to keep religion if they want to keep it, like a very private trait and treat it like so many others to finally grow up an appreciate the joy of living free on this earth!

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