Saturday, December 12, 2009

Running by subzero temperatures

For most o the week, we've been running at temperatures ranging from -8 to -13 Fahrenheit and we've survived it very well. Sure, they are folks who say that running under these conditions can do you a lot of harm, starting with slipping and falling or just  “burning” your lungs and going straight to hell, but we've been running in tough conditions all these years and are still standing up without scars to prove these naysayers right. Most seriously, medical professionals will tell you that cold air can trigger chest pain or asthma attacks in some people and that's probably true, but we drink enough wine to stay protected; the only consequence we've experienced are frozen upper and lower eyelashes, but we know our way around so well that we don't even have to see it.

Seriously, cold temperatures like these slow us down considerably and that's before having to run on an uneven snow pack in some sections of our route, forcing us to pay attention in order to avoid twisting an ankle or injuring a knee. What's true is that after 30 minutes, we're warm enough to forget about the cold and begin enjoying our morning outing. Except under the tropics with boiling temperatures and extreme humidity, running is always a wonderful way to start our day.

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