Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The atomic elephant in the room

If you have followed the recent nuclear security meeting in Washington and the resuming of disarmament protocol between the US and Russia, there's been an incredible silence about Israel's status as another nuclear power. It seems to me that the two other permanent United Nation seat holders that are Russia and China will never enforce meaningful sanctions against Iran for his pursuit of nuclear technology as long as Israel continues to cover up its nukes and, by doing so, contributes to destabilizing the Middle-East.

My solution is fairly simple: Step one would consist at denuclearizing the Jewish State, that by the way keeps on ignoring the non-proliferation treaty, while assuring that it will remain protected by the US nuclear umbrella, and then get both Russia and China to step-up pressure on Iran, this other out-of-control theocracy. Short of doing that, we'll keep on antagonizing Teheran and push its leaders into becoming the other nuclear power we need like another hole in our head...

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