Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Even though I hardly ever noticed until recently it existed, I'm realizing 40 years after its creation - this alone dates me a lot! - that this celebration has become more important to me than Christmas, President's Day and all of our Holidays combined.
It's about our precious home, that little blue ball floating in space and still alive in spite of 6.8 billion of us doing all we can to choke it to death and turn it into a brown, lifeless sphere... So what am I going to mark this day? Keep on living simply, working everyday at minimizing my impact on the environment and looking for better ways to achieving it, preaching forcefully to decreasing human population (what a concept!) and doing all I can to slowly, but surely turn things around for our kids, our grandson and all his little buddies. Simple, but I believe, quite powerful.

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