Friday, January 18, 2013

Four times 20 year-old!

Today is Jean Vuanet's 80th birthday. Yesterday, I was skiing with two American guys who were about my age and had no idea who this man was. I mentioned the 1960 Olympic Games, Squaw Valley and the famous eye-wear brand, but it didn't help.

Should I add that one of them had been working as a ski patrolman for 10 years and the other has been in the retail ski business all his life? Well, my circumstances are quite different. Jean Vuarnet's dad was our family doctor and I remember vividly when the Downhill Olympic Champion received a true hero's welcome that March day of 1960 in Morzine, France.
Before Killy and many other skiers, Vuarnet was my hero and I've seen him many times when I still was working at my family's restaurant in Les Lindarets, a small mountain hamlet that he was particularly found of. Later, I still remember his 40th birthday party in his beautiful contemporary home in Avoriaz, the ski resort he dreamed and helped build.

Time does fly, but memories are tenacious. Happy 80th birthday Jean!

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