Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Whole Foods or Whole Fool?

Only days ago, Whole Foods’ co-founder and co-CEO John Mackey was promoting his new book, “Conscious Capitalism,” and while interviewed on NPR vehemently criticized Obamacare, comparing it to fascism.

This for sure won't earn him more customers as I, for one, will go out of my way to avoid patronizing his stores. But this goes beyond the mistake CEO make all the time, to take on a political cause.

First who are Whole Food customers? For the most part, educated folks that value good quality food and are much more likely to vote for Barack Obama than Mitt Romney.

Second, what is Whole Foods all about (at least on paper)? Good health and safe environment, two values championed by the Democrats and ridiculed by Republicans.

Just get out of sight John Mackey and eat up your stupid book alone. I hope the board of directors at Whole Foods votes you out in a hurry!

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