Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Accepting what we don't control, and more

One of the skills mature age brings us is acceptance.

When we're young, we aren't accepting anything unpleasant that come our way and even if it's far beyond our control, we still want to turn around the disappointment, the hurdle or the loss.

As maturity sets in, our ability to accept issues that heretofore were totally out of the question, starts being challenged.

We slowly train ourselves to the idea of accepting a tiny more, until the unacceptable or unthinkable become an easy common place. Our mindset is quickly transforming and, all of a sudden, we adapt to the idea of accepting many more things than ever before.

Of course, we should have known long ago that anything we don't control should be de facto accepted, and we've lost too much valuable time and resources trying to fight the insurmountable.

In the course of getting familiarized with our new acceptance skills, we often accept things that might be worth a fight, but that we find trivial enough to let go and totally unworthy to getting all upset about them...

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