Monday, June 10, 2019

America’s unsustainable upward spiral

Money is everything in America. You need a lot of it, if you’re committed to the American Dream.
This means you’ll work harder, longer hours and will try to become good at what to do, in order to make more money.

When you make more money, you’re able to buy more possessions, stretch your purchasing power a bit more, and of course will need to borrow even more, which adds pressure on working a bit harder in order to still make more money.

That way, you’ll better be able to keep up with Joneses or reach out for the lofty goals you’ve set for yourself and that have now become a moving target. This sets a never-ending pursuit and places you on an endless and unsustainable upward spiral.

The spiral gets all your attention, generates more stress than you can handle and life passes you by...

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