Thursday, June 20, 2019

“Prime” mystery solved!

Earlier this month, I explained that Prime, the new Amazon delivery service, missed a delivery at my house.

A few days ago, as I was walking in my neighborhood, I notice a house number very close to mine except for one digit, to the point that it was almost too easy to confuse.

Then, my eyes moved on to the entry door and it reminded me the photo that Amazon had sent me to prove the delivery of its parcel. While the shipment wasn’t delivered to my door, that one looked just like the one appearing on Amazon’s photo.

When I got home, I checked to make sure and, bingo! That was unmistakably the door in question.

Next, I could only assume that this neighbor picked the package, opened it up, glance at it and, as he couldn’t use it, plus realized it was addressed to me, didn’t want to face the embarrassment and explaining he would have to face had he return the goods to its legitimate owner, that instead, he tossed it in the garbage.

What a neighborly thing to do!

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