Monday, June 24, 2019

What do we have to prove?

This can be a recurring question to many of us. Its answer is often found in a profound need for acceptance that we seek all along our interesting lives.

Depending on how we were raised, that search for approval could have been vital during our formative years, and we often let it accompany us too late into our adult lives. Breaking up with that need isn’t necessarily a devil-may-care attitude, but an independent streak that still properly blends with social conventions.

If individuals can free themselves from that obsessive need for approval, they’ll also free new energies that can be channeled for the good of others and society at large.

Facebook dependency is an excellent example of that situation, and those folks who have broken ties with this addictive forum can liberate themselves from the grips of that pathological thirst for approval and narcissism.

There’s hope for freeing ourselves from societal ills or demands and become our truly own selves!

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