Saturday, June 8, 2019

Trump seen from Europe…

The recent commemorations of D-Day gave the European media another chance at analyzing Donald Trump.

Most of them got it totally wrong in assuming that the president of the United States had a Plan behind his most bizarre and unpredictable behaviors, when in fact there’s nothing, just a bunch of short-term, erratic tactics that come to his brains like isolated bubbles out of a glass of Perrier, hours after the water was poured in.

The man has no strategy, just a few knee-jerk reactions that can send financial markets tumbling down for a day or two, before they catch up when the world realizes that it’s only random banter.
In fact, his only consistent strategy is "Me," "Me," and "Me."
What's clear is that in the absence of some Grand Scheme, our emperor in diapers has less and less clothes on him and one can only hope that he’ll fully naked come November 2020.

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