Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Presidential Tesla

I’m quite disappointed that our “cool” President hasn’t picked Tesla for the United States presidential state car (aka "The Beast"), in other words, the official state car of the president of the United States.
The current model is a unique Cadillac. Why didn’t Donald pick Tesla? First and foremost because he doesn’t believe in global warming, it may also be that since he’s afraid of a bunch of things, fear of electrocution might be high on his list, or because Tesla’s Elon Musk is no fan of his and never thought the celebrity businessman was the right man for the job.

So Trump who neither forgives nor forget, picked General Motors and Cadillac instead, ordering three limos for the “modest” cost of more of $5 million a piece in their special Cadillac versions that look like the CT6.

That new model, that weighs more than 15,000 pounds, was first used for a presidential trip to New York City on September 24, 2018, and – yes – it’s a bit dated (like the man it’s supposed to move around) and is neither hybrid nor electric!

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