Monday, August 10, 2020

How to persevere?

Like everyone else, when obstacles get in the way, I find it horribly hard to persevere, and yet, somehow, for reasons almost unbeknownst to me, I break through and keep on doing what I was intent to accomplish.

For one thing, new endeavors always have appeal to me and suit my explorer’s mentality. I may also be because I set pretty simply and achievable goals to start with. I’m also an eternal optimist that viscerally hates to giving up whatever it is that I undertake.

It may also be that I’m the eternal optimist, clinging to the rosy aspect of most situations, and that I can very easily visualize my goal as something feasible and up to my abilities.
What also makes be persevere is loving to be challenged regardless of the obstacles thrown into my way and that never fail to fuel my determination.

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