Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Managing my anger at Trump…

There's rarely a day when I don’t get angry at what Trump thinks, says or does, and even worse, at all the people who once voted for him and the many that still plan to support him in November.
This of course is not good for my blood pressure, this is why I just turned to the famous Mayo Clinic for some guidance to help me manage my anger at anything “Trump”.

Here are the tips I picked from that famous medical institution:

1. I should always think before I open my mouth 
In the heat of the moment, I often say something I'll soon regret. Instead, I’ll take a deep breath, take time to formulate my thoughts before saying something.

2. I will first calm down and only then, express myself 
When I can think calmly and clearly, I will express my frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational way. I will state my concerns and my needs clearly and directly, without hurting my opponents or trying to manipulate them.

3. I will stick with “I” statements 
The best way to avoid criticizing or placing blame and increase tension, is to avoid “you this” and “you that”. Instead I will only use "I" statements to make my point. I will do my best to stay respectful and be as specific as I can.

4. I won’t hold a grudge 
If I am able to forgive, I won’t left anger and negative feelings fester and ruin my time. By letting go and forgiving the person who angered me, we might both learn from the situation and strengthen, rather than ruin our relationship.

5. To minimize tension, I will sprinkle a bit of humor 
Whenever possible, a bit of humor will help me face what’s making me angry. I said humor, not sarcasm, this would make things worse.

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