Sunday, August 30, 2020

Skiing, the only sport I knew

A few days ago, I wrote a eulogy to be read at my brother’s funeral. Both of us began skiing together. I think I was 7 and he was 14. We took our first slides on skis handmade by our Dad.

I instantly got hooked to the sport, even though we both acted as our self-lift, side-stepping the hill after each single descent. Over the years, I have tried to understand and discover what really was behind my passion for skiing.

Then, as I wrote the few words that would be played on the day my big brother was laid to rest, the words “skiing was the only sport we knew” popped into my mind and perfectly fit inside the text. We didn’t know about soccer, tennis, climbing, swimming.

All we knew in terms of after-school activities was working multiple chores around the house to help our family.

We were poor, with enough to live, but deprived of fun, comfort and never spoiled. So when we discover what it felt to be sliding on snow, we simply couldn’t believe that true recreation existed, filled with speed, freedom, and weightlessness.

Thank you skiing for opening up our eyes and making us fall in love with you!

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