Friday, August 7, 2020

Responding to nefarious emails

It happens all the time since “Fake News” were officially enshrined by Trump and Facebook. I receive lots of “fake information” and I generally ignore it unless it comes from friends or folks I know well.

Then, I feel compelled to respond and try to set the record straight. The last in date went like this: “Pictures From Hell (Formerly Called Paris, The Capital Of France)” and showed a succession of pictures of black and Arab individuals amidst chaos and trash, even some urinating inside public transportation (see samples).
I have several reaction to that message that I shared with the sender and the other addressees: I don’t recall seeing quite the kind of mayhem showed on these pictures and described in the text the last time I recently was in Paris.

This said, it seems to me that there is a racist and xenophobic undertone in these pictures and the narration accompanying them. I don’t believe racism as we know it has such great future. Humanity also happens to originate from Africa, we should never forget it.

Granted, there’s a racist in all of us and it seems to me that it’s in our self best interest to curb that tendency and work at eliminating for good. The immediate problem that I can see with the situation as it’s portrayed, is the current French government’s responsibility.
Just like our dear American government, it needs to do a much better job at reviewing and amending its emigration policies, integrating any bonafide immigrant into its society, yet have zero tolerance for folks praying in the middle of the streets, roaming around in burkas or peeing in the subway.

Smarter folks know that religion is poison, whether it’s Christian, Muslim or whatever. The government also needs to make sure its public schools are equal for all, set and have its citizens abide by certain standard conducive to a harmonious society if they are to remain part of the community.

Finally, we’re more than 7.7 billion people on this planet and don’t be naive enough to expect national borders not to bulge at the seams, especially now in this 24/7 age of Instagram and Facebook. Not just France, but governments the world over should do something about overpopulation that’s dooming our planet.

Remember that global warming is but a symptom of overcrowding on earth. Overpopulation is the real cause we need to go after...

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