Thursday, December 17, 2020

Could Covid-19 strengthen globalism?

If anything else, this pandemic is a unique common element that humans can share from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. If most countries had more good judgment, they should have leveraged that commonality of circumstances as well as knowledge, and extracted the best possible practices. 

They haven’t and this has led to the disparity we’re still witnessing in terms of death per capita for each country. 

On the other hand, that global crisis has launched a planetary race in order to find vaccines that could address that modern plague, and the speed at which the first ones have been developed is a positive benefit and a testimony to what works with globalism.

Now, can we envision that likewise, this crisis might weaken the nationalist trends that have sprouted all around the world? 

Quite possibly; at least the process has been initiated and as the Novel Coronavirus is clearly behind the fall of Trump, our nationalist, apprentice-dictator, it’s also not helping Boris Johnson’s cause, nor is it advancing that of both Andrzej Duda in Poland and Viktor Orbán in Hungary!

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