Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Curing insomnia…

I don’t about you, but I no longer sleep as tight as I used to, and this is simply because, as I age, my sleep has become much more lighter and my many dreams can be so vivid that they keep on waking me up. 

This is when I return to my old, proven method for falling asleep that I developed over years of extensive international travels when planes used to be pretty empty. 

What I do is quite simple: I mentally picture the vacant center row seats in the economy section of a wide body airplane, and I see and feel myself laying there comfortably, stretching as much as can and falling deeply asleep in spite of the roaring engine noise.

Generally that works pretty well, the image must have a potent impact upon my psyche and, during the early winter season, the noise of the snow-making guns, in the distance, adds to the realism, unless of course my insomnia problem is just “in my head” and is a bit trivial!

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