Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Evening self-debriefing?

Traditionally, debriefing is an information-sharing and event-processing session conducted as a conversation between peers, in which group members become informants to each other about a situation or event that occurred to them as a group. 

Recently, I was thinking, why not conduct the same session at the end of each day, as a personal exercise of introspection, critique, pat on the back and learning.

That would revolve around an actual response and a summary of feelings about our daily plans and what was forced upon us by events that occurred during the course of that same day and the manners we handled them. 

This, in my view, should be a great way of learning, remembering and improving one’s life, while counteracting a daily routine that keeps us into a static rut and precludes a continued and desirable personal growth. 

Something I intend to explore in the near future and might even make my upcoming new year’s resolution...

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