Thursday, December 3, 2020

How safe is skiing under Covid?

I’ve already been skiing a few times this season and have not really felt the threat of Covid-19 contamination, but again, how can we say that we “feel” that? 

While the distancing in ski lines is a bit “elastic”, it is what it is, as long as I’m protected by an all-encompassing balaclava plus my goggles. When I’m riding the lifts (two or three strangers respectively together in the same quad, gondola, or six-pack) and when I ski down the hill, I experience the total freedom inherent with our sport. 

In summary, skiing is apparently less risky than going shopping or flying three passengers sitting in a triple row. So why is the French government (prodded by Germany’s) keeping their ski lifts shut down till January 2021? This hardly seems justifiable, or am I missing something?

The downside of sparsely loaded lifts obviously is reduced uphill capacity and long lines or limitations in the numbers of skiers allowed on a given mountain, but aside from that, the pleasure and exhilaration of skiing is unaltered, at least in North America and in Switzerland or whatever other places allow it. 

Of course I’m not talking about piling up people inside tiny accommodations and controlling wild après-ski parties. This is the objective danger that nations should be concerned about and ready to control and clamp down on any abuse.

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