Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A first trip ‘round the world, part 72

After spending about 5 days in San Diego at his cousin’s place, Gérard left on his American cross-country trip via Greyhound.

His cousin, who wasn’t too sure about Gérard chances of making it in one piece, had helped him plan the road ahead, from Southern California, all the way to New York City. 

Gérard remembers clearly the main milepost cities that stood out on his itinerary: “I left San Diego for Phoenix, then Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Washington DC and New York Kennedy to catch my flight back to Paris at JFK. Luckily, I got three seat to myself, did not eat anything and slept through the whole flight until the stewardess woke me up and summoned me to put on my seat-belt before landing. When I got to Paris on October 10, I felt totally exhausted. Thank God, my sister was working in Paris at the time and I spent the night at her place before resuming my trip back home, up in Savoie!” 

This didn’t leave Gérard too much time for him to rest and transition to his return to work at ENSA, in Chamonix where he had to welcome and lead an instructor training class that was slated to begin early November! 

By the time Gérard had arrived in Paris, I finally had made it to Chicago, looking for its iconic gangster culture. Instead of finding Al Capone, I discovered a typical large, dirty and no so pleasant major American city. 

While I was there, I remember having seen the famous Sears Tower still under construction...

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