Sunday, October 31, 2021

Knowing when enough is enough

As we acquire things, wealth and reputation, we generally seem to want more. More money, more houses, more cars, more glory, more you name it. 

The progression is hard to contain and impossible to control. It’s always devastating and result in old people staying in great jobs that should be better performed by much younger and nimble ones, plus all kinds of absurd way to hoard and accumulate.

True, saying “enough” is very hard, if not impossible, for those who have the most. Going into reverse is often unthinkable for most people as their ego could never deal with that horrible concept, plus becoming irrelevant, poorer or less powerful is for many both unthinkable and unbearable. 

Up, up and up, that seems to be the only way in a life where the exit goes in the opposite direction. That is precisely the huge problem with gaining so much altitude. 

There’s always a formidable crash that’s much harder to take when it eventually happens.

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