Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Tapie and Trump m.o.

Recently, as Bernard Tapie, France’s Trump equivalent, passed away after a long battle with cancer, I watched a few documentaries about the man, and each time, I couldn’t help but compare him to Trump. 

I have already written enough about the man in trying to describe his evil side, but what I observed was the strong and lasting loyalty he was able to impress upon his base and his convinced followers. 

Just like Trump, Tapie stood as the poster boy for nefarious charisma and for a remarkable ability to convert millions of simple minded folks to his “sect” of populism and naive solutions to huge problems, with always one great family of powerful shortcuts: big talk, lies and deception. 

Both men are smart, stubborn and cunning, yet they are narcissist and only think about themselves. 

Sometime I even wonder if both men have soaked into their false and devious beliefs for so long that they now sincerely thought they were the absolute truth. 

Trump and Tapie are frightening, because they clearly show the road to easy brainwashing of entire nations, fast transition to tyranny and end of democracy.

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