Sunday, March 13, 2022

Neutralizing Putin…

The more humanity wait to capture and neutralized Putin, the more deaths on both sides of Ukraine and Russia will continue to pile up.

I believe this should be the main thinking and focus at the moment, and many bright minds should be able to come up with a plan to capture the man (and/or his family), neutralize him, and stop the massacre sooner than later. 

His cronies and other military strong men will immediately see the righting on the wall, cease and desist. Waiting any longer might in fact be bad news, because the more we postpone what should be the inevitable, the more the wounded lion will be mad and the more extreme his moves might be, especially considering the terrorizing nuclear arsenal at his disposal. 

I hope this is the civilized world’s current plan of action, and it’s not yet the case, it should become its utmost priority...

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