Friday, March 18, 2022

Rough season, rough skiing, good experience!

As our ski season is turning into spring, and after experiencing some of the worst winter at Park City, both in terms of a rather dry winter and terrible management from Vail Resorts, we had to ski, as a result, on moguls like we’ve never seen before and on poorly covered and marginally groomed runs with twigs, rock and a collection of dangerous obstacles. 

The latter part in fact prove to be a godsend, as it reacquainted me with skiing less than familiar terrain which represented a new challenge and forced me out of my routine. I think I speak not just for myself, but also for some skiers who were confronted to the same, difficult conditions and have used them to gain more skills. 

We just had to pay more attention, work harder and be much more engaged with our skiing. This goes a long way in proving that there’s always a “silver lining” when conditions are tough and with them, an opportunity to better ourselves!

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