Thursday, March 3, 2022

What can we do to help Ukraine? (continued)

Yesterday, I asked the question, “What can we do to help stop the madness in Ukraine?” 

As promised, I’d tell you what I would do on a personal level. I have a friend who has a friend, a very good friend in fact, and that special friend is Vladimir Putin. 

So I thought to myself: “What would I do if my buddy were Putin?” Well, the answer is pretty obvious. I assume I’d be pretty upset at what’s going on in Ukraine and would ask that friend: “What’s happening to you buddy, have you gone crazy?” knowing full well that this special friendship would be on the line. 

So I contacted that person and asked him to do just that. I don’t know yet if will go ahead or if he’s done it, but he got my suggestion. If my friend asked Putin, the latter might have answered “Don’t you see what these Nazis are doing to the Russian living in that backward country? Don’t I have the right to protect my citizens and put these peasants back into line?” You get my rift...

If my friend is as smart as I know him to be, can effectively talk to Putin, is convincing enough and let him see a silver lining should his army turn around and go back to Russia, we might witness a miracle, so that’s what I just tried. 

Sure, two things can happen; he might say to my friend “Get lost!” and there goes the friendship, or listen and do something positive. We can use a miracle, even if it’s a small one. 

I haven’t heard anything back from that friend, but I remain patient and confident.

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