Friday, March 4, 2022

Putin’s next nefarious move?

While the Russian invasion has relied so far on the use of conventional weapons, the mercurial Putin has painted himself into a corner, and has become a forever-pariah, with no good exit strategy in sight. 

My concern is that if the dictator gets desperate or even just ticked off at something for no particular good reason, he might use one of his low-yield atomic weapons to full destroy Kyiv or some ammunition depots in Poland, if not drop a bomb over some American target. 

This is my main worry if and when Putin is backed into a corner, finally realizes that he cannot win, so that his only move left is to unleash his nuclear stockpile so that everyone else will lose as well. 

Hard no to resist this temptation when you’re are single-minded on winning, unstable, and control some 6,000 nuclear weapons. Such a move would automatically generate a similar response from NATO and might begin a new Armageddon. 

Putin will be left with the dubious legacy of destroying part of humanity, but on the positive and equally dubious side, saving a surviving portion of humanity from climate change thanks to his nuclear winter…

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