Friday, March 25, 2022

Shorter skis don’t like speed

Even since carving skis have taken over the snow, ski lengths have plummeted. 

Long gone are the days every "macho" man skied on a 207 cm. Today, the general rule is for your skis to measure somewhere between one’s chin and the top of the head. 

Sure, expert level, younger skiers may often opt of skis slightly above their head. But with the shortening comes a trickier longitudinal stability, particularly at high-speeds that can push the fast skier “over the handlebar”. 

Believe me, I’ve experienced the incident a few times, so I know what I’m talking about. It’s not really fun and I don’t recommend it. 

All this to say the morale of that ski story, is that with today’s skis, it’s essential to stay perfectly centered or reduce the speed and possibly opt for longer boards!

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