Saturday, November 12, 2022

An effective method for falling asleep?

Falling asleep on demand has been – so far – the biggest failure of my entire life. During my professional career I traveled a lot and crossed oceans and continents too many times for my carbon footprint to be ever forgiven by God. 

This said, I could never could never easily fall asleep when I was in an airplane, except when I was lucky to find four vacant seats on the center row of a wide body plane. Sure, I would have killed then to find a sure-fire method to fall asleep on demand, but my type-A personality got in the way. 

A few mornings ago, after finding myself awake at around 5:30 am, I mysteriously feel asleep only to dream 30 minutes later that I had just been fired from my old job with Look bindings, 40 years after I left the company! 

Of course, I woke up and was furious, as nowadays, any upsetting dream will never fail to put and end to my sleep. After thinking “There must be a sure-fire method for falling asleep” I began to search, and almost immediately, stumbled on this military sleep method and technique for falling asleep. 

It's inspired from the book “Relax and Win: Championship Performance” by Lloyd Bud Winter, published in 1981. Enthusiastic users have claimed that mastering this military trick has allowed them to sleep in two minutes and some have even said that they were able to fall asleep in 10 seconds! 

This 7-step method takes up to 6 weeks to master and turn it into a habit and according to what’s I’ve learned is effective for about 96% of people after that 6 weeks learning period. I will try it and report to you on the results!

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