Friday, November 11, 2022

Dear Democratic Party...

The DNC or Democratic National Committee, is not impressing me in spite of its lucky “save” at the last mid-term elections. In fact, that rather good outcome came from the voters in spite of the DNC’s poor messaging or lack of smart election strategy. 

While we’re not registered Republican or Democrat, my wife and I have been voting regularly Democrat ever since we became citizens. We did it because we could see through the hypocrisy, racism and religiosity of that party, ever since we landed in the United States. 

What has kept the Republicans in power was their deft marketing and consistent messaging over the years, while the Democrats never seemed to have their act totally together. In summary, the Democrats had the best product, but where incapable of selling it well. In this last mid-term election they got crucified by their opponents about the inflation, the cost of gasoline and an alleged high-rate of crime. 

The Democrats should have said answered that the inflation was the price the country had to pay for two years of Covid economic measures, the gas hikes were Putin’s fault and the alleged high criminality showed an understandable uptick during Covid, but was still significantly less than in the early 90s (see graph). 

After correcting the Republican’s propaganda, the DNC should have focused on two issues: The anti-abortion ruling by the Supreme Court, Trump’s attempted “coup” on January 6 and a healthy 3.5% unemployment rate under the current Administration and Congress. 

Sharp and effective marketing communication isn’t complicated when it’s created and approved by savvy people and that’s what the DNC needs to learn!

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